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Please complete the form below and we will be in touch. Do you need a quote for a new exciting project? Can we offer you feedback on an existing product? Something else?
Solar Plastics has over 50 years of achieving our product objectives. Our experienced rotomolder team can virtually mold any shape of product. We can aid in the design of new products as well as reverse engineering an existing product into a rotationally molded part.
Solar Plastics
860 Johnson Drive
Delano, MN 55328-8612
Phone (763) 972-5600
File Upload (Optional)
Our design engineers use the latest CAD software that allows us to work on your design from concept to completion. Upload files directly to our engineering department (AutoCAD, Pro-E, CATIA, Solid Works, and others) by entering in the access code ‘SPlastics’ into the box to activate the upload box. Then please complete the contact form fields below in addition to sending us file(s)…We want to know YOU sent us the files!
Upload Files through dbinbox.com